Skin boosters Dublin

Skin Booster Consultation

Skin boosters are essentially vitalizing dermal fillers that revitalize the skin, improving its appearance, texture and slows down the ageing process from within.

The treatment involves hydrating microinjections of a soft, gel-like substance called Hyaluronic Acid (HA) into the skin, which improves the skin’s elasticity, firmness and radiance. –  Profihlo and Hydroboost are both available at this clinic.

PROFHILO® Skin Booster (Aesthetics Award Winner 2022)

Hailed as a bioremodeling innovation, Profhilo features the highest level of concentrated Hyaluronic Acid on the market. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, key proteins for full, smooth, wrinkle-free skin. 

Elastin fibres become more susceptible to wear-and-tear as we age and the production of collagen naturally slows down, so this simple procedure can not only help to slow down the signs of ageing, but help to protect against it too.

Important Update:
We're Changing Our Booking System!

As of 01/05/2024, we will be transitioning to a new booking system to better serve you. Please note that all existing appointments made through our Pabau system will still stand—there’s no need to rebook. We’re committed to making this switch as smooth as possible for all our patients.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!